Fast Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) Interpolation with Rcpp

A fast implementation of the IDW algorithm using Rcpp. I compare the results to the well established gstat R package.

spatLac: Spatial Lacunarity

R package for computing Lacunarity for Spatial Raster

GVI: Greenness Visibility Index R package

The GVI R package provides tools for computing a Greenness Visibility Index (GVI) surface from a DSM, DTM and Greenness Surface.

Visible Greenness Exposure Index - An example workflow for the City of Vancouver

Example workflow for a large study area when using the GVI R package

Visibility - Sensitivity Analysis

Thinking critically about parameters before running the code is always important. In this post I will explain how to set important parameters when conducting a Visibility Analysis.

BART - A Bayesian machine learning workflow for complex spatial data

In our recent publication from 2020 we analyzed COVID-19 incidence rates using a multimethod approach. In this post I will present BART - a Bayesian machine learning algorithm - to model COVID-19 incidence rates.

Visible Greenness Exposure

Exposure to residential greenness or green spaces such as parks or gardens are beneficial for multiple measures of health. One type of greenspace exposure is visibility, referring to the visual perception of greenness. In this post I will demonstrate, how to conduct a viewshed based visibility analysis.

COVID-19: 15km Radius WebApp

Klicke hier für die mobilfreundliche Version 📱 COVID-19 Bewegungsradius Stand: 15.1.2020 Die 15-Kilomenter Regel, nachdem sich Bewohner mit einer 7-Tage Inzidenz von über 200 nur noch 15 km um ihren Wohnort bewegen dürfen, sorgt für Verwirrung.

Text Mining Belval Campus

In 2001 a project has been created to transform the former steel production site in Belval, Luxembourg into the Cité des Sciences. In 2015 the new campus has been opened. In this analysis I'm using a Structural Topic Model (STM) to explore how this topic is being represented in the news.